How To Clean a Tile Floor,Huntington Beach Ca. 92649
Many homeowners will opt to install tile flooring in their homes because of the ease of care and maintenance.
That is a common belief, and their are some real benefits to hard surface flooring. Many like the idea of walking on tile and not having to remove their shoes, and when a spill occurs, the ease of just wiping it up seems appealing. After all, we don't really enjoy cleaning in the first place. But one day we will find ourselves having to do a full cleaning of our tile, and that's when we need to do some homework and find out how to clean a ceramic tile floor properly.
For example , if you have a stone flooring, then you will need to find out what can be used to clean it so you don't ruin it. But for the most part, most people have tile installed in their home, so some basic cleaning knowledge will suffice. The area of the tile that seems to give us the most problem is not so much the tile itself, but the grout lines. The grout lines are a cement substance that will absorb water or spills like a magnet. One of the keys to keeping the grout clean is regular sweeping and vacuuming. This keeps the soil from accumulating and building up in the grout lines. The use of a mop sometimes can cause more issues because virtually nobody is really committed to making sure the mop head is really clean each time they use it. Those Swiffers pads on a stick work a lot better in my opinion.
But to clean the grout, mix hydrogen peroxide in equal parts with water in a bucket , and pour it on the grout and with a toothbrush scrub the grout. Then wipe up the area using a clean mop or fresh terry cloth towel.
Also, depending on the type of tile you have, you van mix a cup of white vinegar to a gallon of warm water and get great results as well. these tips will help you in between professional cleaning. KleenSmart Carpet, Upholstery, and Tile Cleaning in Huntington Beach California 92649 has over 30 years of experience in floor care. So hopefully this information show you how you how tile cleaning can be done effectively. But when it comes time for professional tile cleaning call us at: 1-562-260-1326