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Carpet Cleaners, Huntington Beach California 92649

 Carpet Cleaners, Huntington Beach, California 92649   Every month it seems we as professional carpet cleaners get a call to clean someones home that has carpet that is really dirty. Some...

Methods Of Professional Carpet Cleaning, Huntington Beach, Ca. 92649

 Methods Of Carpet Cleaning, Huntington Beach, Ca. 92649     There are many methods of carpet cleaning that are available for the homeowner to choose from. You will find this...

Best Carpet Cleaner, Huntington Beach, Ca. 92649

  Best Carpet Cleaner Huntington Beach, Ca. 92649   The fall and winter months are soon to be upon us again and the time will arrive when we will be bringing family and guests into the...

Maintaining Your Carpet, Huntington Beach, Ca. 92646

 Whether your carpet is brand new or has been down on the floor for several years, it's important to maintain your carpet by taking care of spots and spills that occur on a regular basis....

DIY dog poop removal Huntington Beach, Ca.92649

 At KleenSmart Carpet Cleaning we clean carpet, upholstery and tile all day long. And many times we will get a call from a homeowner whose pet has pooped on the carpet. We handle those...

Professional carpet cleaning Lakewood Ca.90713

  This is a short video from another carpet cleaner outside the area that will give you an idea of what kind of results you can get from professional carpet cleaning in Lakewood, Ca. 90713...

Property Management Carpet Cleaning Long Beach Ca. 90803

Name Email Phone Number   When it comes to rental properties, many owners will choose to have a property management company to handle...

The Best Before And After Professional Carpet Cleaning, Huntington Beach Ca. 92649

Name Email Phone Number  When it comes to cleaning heavily soiled carpet, KleenSmart Carpet Cleaning in Huntington Beach can produce...

Professional office carpet cleaning Huntington Beach Ca. 92649

Name Email Phone Number  Many businesses leave the cleaning of the carpet to the janitorial service they have a contract with....

Smoke Odor Removal From Carpet Huntington Beach Ca. 92649

Name Email Phone Number  This video clip gives you an idea of how professional carpet cleaners restore a home that has been saturated...

Commercial carpet cleaning, Huntington Beach Ca. 92648

Name Email Phone Number  If you own a business that operates out of a commercial building, you appreciate having a working environment...

Rug Doctor vs. professional carpet cleaning, Long Beach Ca. 90815

Name Email Phone Number   This is an example of how having your carpets cleaned professionally compares to cleaning the carpet...

Rug Doctor vs. professional carpet cleaning, Seal Beach

Name Email Phone Number   This is an example of how having your carpets cleaned professionally compares to cleaning the carpet...

Rug Doctor vs. professional carpet cleaning, Huntington Beach

Name Email Phone Number  Rug Doctor vs. professional carpet cleaning, Huntington Beach   In this short video, you can see clearly...

Best carpet stain remover, Long Beach, Ca.

Name Email Phone Number  In this short video clip you will see how the average person canuse the products and tools seen in this...

Choosing new carpet, Huntington Beach, Ca. 92649

Name Email Phone Number  If you are getting ready to do some remodeling in your home, chances are carpet replacement will be on the...

Buying stain resistant carpet, Long Beach,Ca.

Name Email Phone Number   There will come a time when you as a consumer will have to make the decision to replace their carpet with...

Professional furniture stain removal on carpet, Long Beach, Ca.

  This video from a professional carpet cleaning company is just one of the examples that shows some of the newer technology that is available to carpet cleaners when it comes to removing what...

Spot cleaning area rug, Long Beach, Ca.

 According to this video, this is supposedly an ancient remedy for spot cleaning an area rug. I have to admit that I'm impressed with the technique being used here. The results were very...

Environmentally responsible carpet cleaning, Long Beach, Ca.

Name Email Phone Number  This short video clip from a carpet cleaning company outside your area shares the same principles that we...

Wool area rug cleaning, Newport Beach, Ca.

Name Email Phone Number  This is a demonstration from a wool area rug cleaner ouside your area. This is the same procedures we use...

Tile and grout cleaning,Huntington Beach Ca.

First time tile cleaning discount 10% off. Limited time offer. Name Email Phone Number   This is an educational video from...

Kool-Aid removal from carpet, Long Beach, Ca.

Name Email Phone Number   This is a great video from a company outside your area that shows you how a professional carpet cleaning...

Cleaning really dirty carpet. Long Beach, Ca.

Name Email Phone Number  This is a great example from another company not in the area of just how powerful truckmounted hot water...

Carpet cleaned professionally, Long Beach, Ca.

Name Email Phone Number  This video from a company not in your area gives you an idea of how a professional carpet cleaning is done....

Dog poop removal on carpet, Long Beach, Ca.

Name Email Phone Number   Many homes have indoor pets such as cats and dogs. And even if your dog or cat is potty trained it's a...

Professional upholstery cleaning, Long Beach, Ca.

10% off on upholstery cleaning. Offer expires: June 10th, 2014 Name Email Phone Number   Upholstery is usually the last item...

Best carpet cleaning method, Long Beach, Ca.

Spring Special For The Month of May: 10% off all carpet and tile cleaning Name Email Phone Number  All carpet cleaners say...

Removing fingernail polish from carpet, Long Beach, Ca.

Spring Special For The Month of May: 10% off whole house carpet cleaning. 4 Room minimum required. Name Email  Finger nail polish is like paint,...

Wet smell removal from flooded carpet

Spring Special For The Month of May: 10% off all carpet and tile cleaning Name Email   A home that has been flooded can be stressful especially if...

Allergies and Carpeting, Long Beach, Ca. 90803

Spring Special For The Month of May: 10% off all carpet and tile cleaning Name Email  Some allergists have suggested not having carpeting in your...

Brown Water Stain Removal on Carpet, Long Beach Ca.

Spring Special For The Month of May: 10% off all carpet and tile cleaning Name Email  If you have a small water leak in your home that migrates to...

Mildew Removal from Carpet Long Beach, Ca.

Name Email Phone Number  Mildew in carpet is dangerous to your health and should be addressed right away as soon as it is detected. This...

Oil stain removal on carpet Huntington Beach, Ca.

Spring Special For The Month of May: 10% off all carpet and tile cleaning Name Email  Removing oil from carpet is sometimes very difficult because...

Carpet Padding Replacement, Long Beach, Ca.

Spring Special For The Month of May: 10% off all carpet and tile cleaning Name Email  If you reach the point that you need to replace a room of...

Blood Stain Removal, Huntington Beach, Ca.

Name Email  Here is a quick video from a company outside our area that had some great idea's on removing blood from carpet. Blood stain removal is...

Removing cat urine from carpet, Huntington Beach, Ca.

Name Email This short video will give you some quick tips for removing cat urine from carpet. As this technician mentions, the cat urine may be severe and...

Professional Tile Cleaning, Newport Beach, California

First time tile cleaning discount 10% off. Limited time offer. Name Email Many homeowners attempt to clean their own tile themselves, either by having a...

Removing coffee stain on carpet Seal Beach, Ca.

Spring Special For The Month of May: 10% off whole house carpet cleaning. 4 Room minimum required. Name Email Phone Number...

Carpet cleaning Seal Beach, Ca.

Name Email  This is a great video that Angies List put out that shares our values as well when it comes to choosing a reputable carpet cleaner. KleenSmart...

Cleaning Tile And Grout Professionally

Spring Special For The Month of May: 10% off all carpet and tile cleaning Name Email  If you have ever tried to clean your tile in the home...

Professional Carpet Cleaning Or Do It Yourself?

Name Email Phone Number  If you are thinking that doing the carpet cleaning yourself is going to save you money and give you professional...